
Be careful, delicious! Appetizing dishes from Fungi Farm champignons will be prepared every week on television

2022-10-20 08:00 Media
From now on, every Tuesday evening can be interesting and delicious! The premiere of the culinary show “Be Careful, Delicious” has started on the channel “Ternopil 1”!

In each issue, host Khrystyna Chaika will share with you simple recipes for delicious dishes, the indispensable ingredient of which will be champignons from Fungi Farm.

Our high-quality and ecologically clean mushrooms will become the highlight of traditional Ukrainian dishes, as well as foreign ones.

The host of the show emphasizes that every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. the viewers of “Ternopil 1” are in for a lot of interesting things.

- I am not a professional cook, but I like to cook, so the dishes will be suitable for everyone. Something may work out, something may not, but it is important to be optimistic about everything. The tastiest is when with love or humor!stressed Khrystyna Chaika.

The presenter draws recipes from the Internet, or is inspired by the well-known culinary expert Yevhen Klopotenko.

- To be honest, I take any recipe and think about whether mushrooms could taste good in this dish. As it turned out, you will not spoil any dish with champignons, but only emphasize its taste. In the future, we want to prepare salads and other light dishes from Fungi Farm champignons, because mushrooms are a low-calorie product.

Champignon desserts have not been prepared yet, but everything is ahead, - added Khrystyna Chaika.

The girl emphasizes: the taste properties of Fungi Farm champignons are a real discovery!

- I was at the production, so I am convinced that these mushrooms are not only tasty, but also environmentally friendly. To be honest, I didn’t really like champignons before. But everything changed when I met Fungi Farm! Now this is my TOP. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mushrooms are appetizing, fleshy, during heat treatment they do not lose their color and size, said Khrystyna Chaika.

Don’t miss every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m.!