
Fungi Farm was visited by the head of Ternopil Regional Council Mykhailo Holovko

2022-09-07 18:00 Life of company
Fungi Farm was visited by the head of Ternopil Regional Council Mykhailo Holovko.

He personally inspected the champignon production process and made sure that the champignons, grown in the greenhouses of Fungi Farm, are of high quality and environmentally friendly.

The head of regional council thanked our team for their patriotism, because now, in a difficult time for the country, we continue to work supporting the economy.

In addition, Mykhailo Holovko noted our farm’s assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and internally displaced persons.

Fungi Farm is a family business created by Yaroslav Salovskyi and his sons Yevhen and Volodymyr. Now, a large team of professionals works at the mushroom farm – more than 30 people are employed, including those who found themselves in difficult life circumstances during the war, Mykhailo Holovko noted. – Thank you to the founder of Fungi Farm Yaroslav Salovskyi and the entire team for creating a successful business in Ternopil Region, for the patriotism that encourages us to work even under the conditions of martial law, for stability and the desire to develop.

He added that the regional council will continue to support the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the region.

We are sincerely grateful for the visit to the head of the regional council. We believe that by continuing to cooperate with the authorities of Ternopil Region, we will actively work on the production of quality products, creation of jobs and the development of the region’s economy!