
“Mushrooms came to me in a dream”: the founder of Fungi Farm, Yaroslav Salovskyi, gave a tour of the greenhouses

2022-08-12 09:00 Interesting Facts
Champignon is now considered one of the most actively cultivated mushrooms in the world. Champignons were probably domesticated in the 17th century in France. At that time, only noblemen had the opportunity to taste them, who equipped special cellars for growing these mushrooms.

In those days, champignons were very expensive, but now everyone has the opportunity to taste these healthy mushrooms, grown by a Ukrainian producer in compliance with all sanitary standards.

Fungi Farm technicians are constantly improving their professional skills. The farm’s specialists studied the processes of champignon growing at the best mushroom enterprises of Europe and the world.

The founder of farm, Yaroslav Salovskyi, says that he got the idea to create the enterprise when he was in Poland.

- It all started with the fact that we bought 2 hectares of land. For this, we took a loan and are still paying it. Our whole family is involved in this work: my wife, myself and two sons. At one time, a Pole showed me how to grow mushrooms, after that I started dreaming about them, - says Yaroslav Salovskyi. – The Pole offered to teach me, so later I created my own company. He suggested, explained. This technology is not easy. There is no “forgetting” or “after” in growing mushrooms. If you do not treat this work responsibly, then the result will not be good.

Cleanliness plays a particularly important role in growing mushrooms, adds Yaroslav Salovskyi.

He says that only the best equipment is used for work on the farm.

- The production must be very clean. We steam the greenhouses so that fungal diseases do not catch on. No chemicals, just steaming. If something drips on a mushroom, it will not grow, it will only turn black, – says Yaroslav Salovskyi. – In addition, we have automated watering in the greenhouses. In Ukraine, we were one of the first to introduce it.

The founder of the farm conducted a small tour so that everyone can see for themselves the conditions in which Fungi Farm champignons are grown. He explained the details of the process and showed what the future product looks like at each stage.

More details – in the video: